How to Overcome a Sedentary Lifestyle & Increase Your Health
How to Defy the Odds After an Injury
How to Recognize the Early Signs of Dementia
Finding Purpose and Fulfillment in Retirement
Finding The End of Stress


How to Overcome a Sedentary Lifestyle & Increase Your Health with Personal Trainer, Sammy Wilson

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In this episode of The Matt Feret Show I interview Sammy Wilson, a personal trainer and mobility coach. As a mobility coach, Sammy specializes in helping her clients mitigate the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle by increasing their daily movement, mobility, and wellness. We discuss how sedentary jobs and lifestyles can impact physical and mental health and Sammy provides helpful suggestions and beginner steps listeners can take to increase strength, flexibility, movement, and overall wellness.

If you enjoyed this episode of The Matt Feret Show, you may also enjoy:

Unlocking Functional Medicine with CEO Paul Burgess

Medication, Fitness, Nutrition: Senior Health with Amy K. Wilson

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How to Overcome a Sedentary Lifestyle & Increase Your Health with Personal Trainer, Sammy Wilson

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Alexa Flash Briefing, iHeart, Acast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

Brought to you by Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide  book series. Sign up for the Prepare for Medicare Newsletter, an exclusive subscription-only newsletter that delivers the inside scoop to help you stay up-to-date with your Medicare insurance coverage, highlight Medicare news you can use, and reminders for important dates throughout the year. When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to seven FREE Medicare checklists.

“Whether it's doing some stretches, walk around the block, make everyone a drink, whatever it is. Just keep doing that at every interval. The ideal would be sort of moving all day, but the ideal is it's achievable for you.”

“There's no point in me being like, right, you need to go to the gym three hours a day, stretches, then go for a run. No one's going to be able to do that, right? If you've got 9-to-5 jobs, maybe you've got an hour commute, then you've got to have dinner. Maybe you've got kids to look after, maybe you've got an older person you've got to look after, whatever. Life gets busy and not everyone can fit that in. And that's why I always go on about it; it's so important just to move throughout the day.”

“I just love people getting involved, seeing progression, seeing people get happier in life. It does genuinely improve wellbeing, just moving and enjoying movement and enjoying how your body likes to be. That's the best thing about it. It's what your body wants to do. You're not trying hard to force anything, you're giving yourself what you naturally want.”

Host’s Links:
All Things Medicare: prepareformedicare.com

Decoding Social Security: prepareforsocialsecurity.com

My Written Works on Amazon: www.amazon.com/stores/Matt-Feret/author/B09FM3L4WW

The Matt Feret Show YouTube: www.youtube.com/@themattferetshow

Network with me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattferet

Follow me on X: twitter.com/feret_matt

See behind the scenes on Instagram: www.instagram.com/matt_feret/

Join our community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/themattferetshow/

Guest’s Links:

Sammy’s free Facebook group:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pocketptuk

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pocketptuk/


How to Defy the Odds After an Injury with Author Jo Giese

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In this episode of the Matt Feret Show I interview Jo Giese, an author and radio reporter, to discuss her experience overcoming a catastrophic injury. In 2018, Jo ruptured her Achilles tendon after suffering a fall in her home. After a botched surgery, Jo began a years-long journey of resilience, perseverance, and optimism as she received a multitude of treatments and physical therapies. Jo and I discuss her passion and love for hiking, and how her hiking experiences became a source of strength throughout this journey. We also discuss Jo’s upcoming memoir, ‘Keep Chasing Waterfalls: A Story of Adventure, Tragedy, and Defying the Odds,’ an account of her healing journey.


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How to Defy the Odds After an Injury with Author Jo Giese

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Alexa Flash Briefing, iHeart, Acast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

Brought to you by Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide  book series. Sign up for the Prepare for Medicare Newsletter, an exclusive subscription-only newsletter that delivers the inside scoop to help you stay up-to-date with your Medicare insurance coverage, highlight Medicare news you can use, and reminders for important dates throughout the year. When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to seven FREE Medicare checklists.

“This is what I'm thinking when I have this no Achilles and I cannot walk… I'm thinking about these things that have been the highlights of my life, going to Iwa Zoo, going hiking on that icy vertical path in Montana, and thinking, I can't even walk. I'm not even going to be able to do that anymore. And no, I was not going to settle for that.”

“I have a real can-do attitude. If somebody tells me I can't do something, I will figure out a way to do it. Just watch me… I talk to the guy I am working with, and I said, okay, what else can we add to this? He said, ‘Well, you can add medical acupuncture, not just your neighborhood acupuncturist, but a real MD acupuncturist.’ So, we added that, and we added several other modalities. I mean, it became my full-time job, recovery.”

“The real takeaway is that if you get a grim diagnosis, or even like that physical therapist who said to me, ‘You just have to understand you're going to be compromised for the rest of your life.’ Don't take it. Apply all the energy you have to healing and getting through that grim diagnosis because you can probably do it. Use me as an example. I did it.”


How to Recognize the Early Signs of Dementia with Expert Lisa Skinner

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In this episode of The Matt Feret Show I interview Lisa Skinner, a certified dementia behavioralist practitioner and author of Truth, Lies, & Alzheimer’s: Its Secret Faces, a book for patients and loved ones about the progression and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Lisa shares her personal experience working with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients and provides helpful information about how to navigate the challenges of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or dementia. She also breaks down the progression of degenerative brain disease, treatment options, and shares caregiver resources.

If you enjoyed this episode of The Matt Feret Show, you may also enjoy:

Medication, Fitness, Nutrition: Navigating Senior Health with Amy K. Wilson

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Links between Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Diet with PhD Candidate and Health Coach Diandra from That Science Couple

How to Recognize the Early Signs of Dementia with Expert Lisa Skinner

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Alexa Flash Briefing, iHeart, Acast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

Brought to you by Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide  book series. Sign up for the Prepare for Medicare Newsletter, an exclusive subscription-only newsletter that delivers the inside scoop to help you stay up-to-date with your Medicare insurance coverage, highlight Medicare news you can use, and reminders for important dates throughout the year. When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to seven FREE Medicare checklists.

“An Alzheimer's diagnosis does not mean the end of your life the next day. There are a lot of ways to provide high quality life to people who suffer from it, but it's up to us as the loved ones and the caregivers to know how to provide a high-quality life. They can have a very meaningful and fulfilling life living with this disease for years and years and years to come.”

“These are brain diseases that we're talking about, and there's no cure. So, we want to create the best life in the best world possible. And, in order to do that, we need to learn how to recognize the behaviors, the signs, and, very importantly, know to how to effectively respond to them. That's key to it.”

“I would advise that if you do suspect your loved one or the person that you've been asked to care for are showing signs of the disease, but maybe they're subtle, learn all you can about it because then you'll be prepared. And being prepared will make your life so much easier than figuring it out when you're in the middle of a crisis.”

Host’s Links:
All Things Medicare:

Decoding Social Security: prepareforsocialsecurity.com

My Written Works on Amazon: www.amazon.com/stores/Matt-Feret/author/B09FM3L4WW

The Matt Feret Show YouTube: www.youtube.com/@themattferetshow

Network with me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattferet

Follow me on X: twitter.com/feret_matt

See behind the scenes on Instagram: www.instagram.com/matt_feret/

Join our community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/themattferetshow/

Guest’s Links:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisaskinnerauthor/

Lisa’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Lies-Alzheimers-Secret-Faces/dp/1087975964

X: @LisaSkinner2015

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaSkinnerAuthor

Professional website: https://barkerbusiness.wixsite.com/asklisaskinner


Finding Purpose and Fulfillment in Retirement with Retirement Stepping Stones Author Tony Hixon

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In this episode of The Matt Feret Show I interview Tony Hixon, an author and co-founder of wealth management firm Hixon Zuercher Capital Management. Tony shares personal experiences that inspired him to write his book, Retirement Stepping Stones, and develop a coaching program at his firm to help retirees navigate the non-financial aspects of retirement including life goals, values, social connection, and legacy. Tony shares the process of transitionary retirement planning, shares advice for new retirees, and encourages retirees to find purpose and meaning in their second half of life.

If you liked this episode of The Matt Feret Show, you may also enjoy:

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Finding Purpose and Fulfillment in Retirement with Retirement Stepping Stones Author Tony Hixon

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Alexa Flash Briefing, iHeart, Acast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

Brought to you by Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide  book series. Sign up for the Prepare for Medicare Newsletter, an exclusive subscription-only newsletter that delivers the inside scoop to help you stay up-to-date with your Medicare insurance coverage, highlight Medicare news you can use, and reminders for important dates throughout the year. When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to seven FREE Medicare checklists.

“Perhaps now's your opportunity to make a larger impact. Perhaps now is your opportunity to really find your why, to identify who you are, what's important to you, what values do you want to leave for the next generation? How do you want to build into your kids and grandkids? What impact do you want to leave on this world before you breathe your last? That question starts with who you are, and our coaches are there to help our clients interpret and answer that question.”

“Retirement is great. I think it can be the most beneficial, rewarding, fulfilling times in retirees’ life. But if it's unplanned for, it can be just an existence. If it's planned for, it can be impactful. And we want to promote impactful lives for their second half.”

“I desire to help retirees avoid the mistakes that can come from an unplanned retirement to allow them to survive and thrive in their second half, to continue a life of meaning beyond retirement, to make their future bigger than their past. Because they matter. They matter to this world. They matter to you. They matter to me, and I want to see them thrive in retirement.”

Host’s Links:
All Things Medicare: prepareformedicare.com

Decoding Social Security: prepareforsocialsecurity.com

My Written Works on Amazon: www.amazon.com/stores/Matt-Feret/author/B09FM3L4WW

The Matt Feret Show YouTube: www.youtube.com/@themattferetshow

Network with me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattferet

Follow me on X: twitter.com/feret_matt

See behind the scenes on Instagram: www.instagram.com/matt_feret/

Join our community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/themattferetshow/

Guest’s Links:

Tony’s website: https://tonyhixon.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonyhixon/

X: https://x.com/tonyhixon?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TonyHixonCIMA/


Finding The End of Stress with Author Don J. Goewey

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In this episode of The Matt Feret Show, I interview author, speaker, and stress management expert Don Joseph Goewey to discuss stress, performance, and mindfulness. Don has years of experience teaching high pressure professionals how to manage stress and optimize their performance. He shares his perspective on the mindsets, attitudes, and habits that contribute to stress and how to change them. We also discuss the role spirituality and mindfulness have in stress management and how they relate to greater enlightenment (Hint: It’s simpler than you think!). Finally, we discuss Don’s book, The End of Stress.

If you enjoyed this episode of The Matt Feret Show, you may also enjoy:

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Pathways to Peaceful Aging: Insights on Housing, Healthcare, and Financial Security with Arvette Reid

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Finding The End of Stress with Author Don J. Goewey

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Alexa Flash Briefing, iHeart, Acast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

Brought to you by Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide  book series. Sign up for the Prepare for Medicare Newsletter, an exclusive subscription-only newsletter that delivers the inside scoop to help you stay up-to-date with your Medicare insurance coverage, highlight Medicare news you can use, and reminders for important dates throughout the year. When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to seven FREE Medicare checklists.

‘If our capacity to be happy and at peace and ultimately fulfilled with things exactly as they are is tied to what the world is doing, we're going to go up and down and we're going to live a life that's at the mercy of circumstances. And so if we don't want that, if we want to live a relatively stress-free life, we need to find ways of transcending that.”

“It's not a lot of fun to get in touch with negative feelings. And so people suppress them one way or another. And so the prescription is, don't do that. Allow them, get in touch with them. They won't destroy you. Get to know them. In one way, you're really making friends with them. And in another way, you're gaining control, awareness, what you're aware of, you begin to control what you're unaware of, and continue to control you. You can't change something that you don't see. So awareness allows you to see and feel what's going on inside of you that sabotages your happiness, that sabotages your confidence and the negativity, the upset, the pessimism, the aggression, the over competitiveness, the shame, the unworthiness, all of that. It's all fear-based. And as you make an unconscious pattern conscious, it begins to dissolve.”

“The irony is that when you detach from the material world and this idea that happiness is coming from the material world, as you pursue success, you actually enjoy the process more. That old tension drops away. That fear of failure drops away. Then when you believe your self-worth and your peace of mind and your happiness depend on the outcome. So if you succeed, great. If you fail, well, you've learned something. You've learned something from the failure because you're not allowing the failure or the success to define who you ultimately are.”

Host’s Links:
All Things Medicare: prepareformedicare.com

Decoding Social Security: prepareforsocialsecurity.com

My Written Works on Amazon: www.amazon.com/stores/Matt-Feret/author/B09FM3L4WW

The Matt Feret Show YouTube: www.youtube.com/@themattferetshow

Network with me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mattferet

Follow me on X: twitter.com/feret_matt

See behind the scenes on Instagram: www.instagram.com/matt_feret/

Join our community on Facebook: www.facebook.com/themattferetshow/

Guest’s Links:
Don Joseph Goewey’s Book: https://theendofstressbook.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/proattitude/

X: https://x.com/TheEndofStress

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/booksbygoewey/


Unlocking Functional Medicine with CEO Paul Burgess

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In this episode of The Matt Feret Show, I interview functional medicine expert Paul Burgess. Paul is the CEO and founder of Paul Burgess Functional Medicine, a health service dedicated to providing its clients with curated, personalized healthcare that addresses health holistically through changes in diet, fitness, and lifestyle. Paul provides an overview of functional medicine and the beneficial outcomes of having a personalized health plan. Paul also gives expert tips on nutrition, common toxins, and how to identify early health complications.

If you enjoyed this episode of The Matt Feret Show, you may also enjoy:

WeShape’s Approach to Diet Culture with Founder, Katie Bramlett

Holistic Wellness and Decentering Pharmaceuticals with Pharmacists Sylvia and James Boblak

Medication, Fitness, Nutrition: Senior Health with Amy K. Wilson

Unlocking Functional Medicine with CEO Paul Burgess

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Alexa Flash Briefing, iHeart, Acast or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

Brought to you by Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide  book series. Sign up for the Prepare for Medicare Newsletter, an exclusive subscription-only newsletter that delivers the inside scoop to help you stay up-to-date with your Medicare insurance coverage, highlight Medicare news you can use, and reminders for important dates throughout the year. When you sign up, you’ll immediately gain access to seven FREE Medicare checklists.

You will know if your practitioner is the right one for you. Just by talking with them and seeing what their philosophy is and how they would like to approach things and if it resonates with you, because that's what you need to work with. You need to work with someone who is going to resonate with you, understand what you’re trying to achieve, and do it in a way that's not overwhelming and that has the patience and the ability to do this properly.”

We're all born with a bank account and we can't put any money in, but every day we withdraw 24 hours. If that 24 hours is spent stressed or concerned about health or pain or just not absolutely thriving and enjoying life, then that 24 hours gets screwed up, thrown in the waste paper bin, and the next day you go and draw out another 24 hours. The issue is we do not know what our balance is, but I know that I’m taking 24 hours today, and so this day needs to be phenomenal for me. I need to enjoy everything and I need to be in a frame of mind that I start the day looking for the amazing things, being receptive to them.”

“There is no generic prescription for the human body. We are so complex. We all have different DNA, we're all built differently. What you are seeing online or in any kind of media is a generic piece of advice. No one knows what age you are, what your medical history has been, what your blood glucose is like, what your liver function is like, how your hormones are functioning, what your sleep is like, your stress levels. No one knows anything about you. But if we know all of you properly, then we can make it specific for you.”

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Matt Feret is the host of The Matt Feret Show, which focuses on the health, wealth and wellness of retirees, people over fifty-five and caregivers helping loved ones. He’s also the author of the book series, Prepare for Medicare – The Insider’s Guide to Buying Medicare Insurance and Prepare for Social Security – The Insider’s Guide to Maximizing Your Retirement Benefits.

For up-to-date Medicare information, visit:

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